Friday, October 31, 2008

Be strong with all your heart

if YOU want to be strong - then you have to DECIDE to be strong! you need to be able to say: YES - I want to be strong in all and any situations - i want to be strong in my divine heart and i want to be strong soul and I want to have strong roots in God's divine love!

decide to be strong | digg story

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Open for God's bliss and love

To open for God is needed to be healed BY God. Learn and understand how to open FOR God. Easy tutorial with graphics to understand and practice and experience opening for God's bliss and love here and now.

how to open for God | digg story

God is Love

Accept God's gift of love your you. God's love is for you to heal you, to free you, bring you home. God is the source of all love and love is all you need to set you free.

God's gift of love your you | digg story

Developing Divine Love

Developing Divine Love: Bhakti Yoga, the path of Love to God. Developing Divine Love within your self and learn to love everybody and anybody at any time in your life.

the path of Love to God | digg story

Kundalini Shakti and Chakras

Kundalini shakti and chakras, what is the origin and purpose of the kundalini energy. Awakening of kundalini shakti, names of chakras and colors of chakras

kundalini energy | digg story

Spiritual Laws for success on any spiritual path

Spiritual Laws - the basis of successful and peaceful life, on any spiritual path as well as in everydays life. with excerpts from Patanjali's Yoga Sutras and indepth comments

essence of spiritual laws | digg story

Bow to the feet

Dissolve some of the single most ancient barriers between YOU and YOUR partners and the opposite gender. learn the meaning and how to actually and physically BOW to the feet of others

bowing lesson | digg story

Divine accounting

Divine accounting - spiritual accounting of love. We all are used to take, to receive - from GOD - however we also NEED to learn to GIVE to love to return some of our work, belongings and goods - back to God

spiritual accounting of love | digg story

Surrender your past to God

To surrender your past to God is important to clean up your heart. Surrender to God and be free from the burden of your past. Learn how to surrender to God to be free of any burden and to be open to love and to be happy

free from the burden of our past | digg story

Bouquet of colorful roses - Wallpapers

Wallpapers with mixed color beautiful roses bouquets for free download.

rose bouquet pictures | digg story

Teardrops from God for his lost children

Teardrops: A fairy tale of ancient time. Teardrops from God for his lost children so far away on earth. Learn about God's true eternal love for you

God's true eternal love for us | digg story

How to pray to God

Learn how to pray to God - when God doesn't answer your prayers and enter a true love relationship with God as your best and eternal friend and father

love relationship with God | digg story

Time to review your life and intensify our love

Time to intensify our love - Time to review your life, Time to move forward toward our home in God with all our efforts

time to intensify our love | digg story

Dissolve in divine love

a most helpful chapter about how to dissolve in love - metaphysical physiology of Bhakti Yoga.

how to dissolve in love | digg story

Angels of Love

An autobiography from a soul, coming from God - returning to God."My life may appear harsh or tough to some - coming from God to this planet requires strength if you want to return home. Yet after returning home through the door of death repeated times - i know exactly that all experiences and adventures were useful and absolutely required.."

soul coming from God | digg story

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Most Beautiful Soul

The most beautiful soul - there is no end, no limits, no even a soul - there is but God - true love, bliss and wisdom

Beautiful Soul one with God | digg story

The first steps are always the toughest one

If you fail to follow all basic spiritual teachings then you fail to succeed. Learn to get love flowing - in basic steps from physical level to more spiritual levels.

first spiritual steps | digg story

Посвещение в Крия Йога

Кратка версия на Дикша за Крия Йога - Посвещение в Крия Йога - иницияция

Дикша за Крия Йога | digg story

Посвящение в Крийя Йогу - короткая версия Дикши

Важно: Этот файл - строго и только для тех, истинно любящих душей, получивших духовное посвящение в Крийя Йогу от Бога, или от любого из Святых детей Бога, которые достигли свободу в Бог и работающих как духовные Учителя/Гуру для человечества.

посвящение в Крийя Йогу | digg story

ONE with God - oneness with God

To be ONE with God - When are you ONE with God - how do you know that you are ONE with God and hence your home is IN God. Learn how to prepare to become one with God

prepare to become one with God | digg story

To have someone to love

To have someone to love always next to you.

love and be loved | digg story

MIRACLES need open heart and love to be attracted

To receive miracles or experience miracles created by God, you need to create an environment that facilitates miracles. You need to invite miracles by creating an environment of open heart and love to attract miracles from God into your life

attract miracles from God | digg story

Criteria for a job selection

Your future depends widely on your job selection - be sure to make the right decisions

right decision for a new job | digg story

Grace and Mercy - manifestations of true Love

Grace and Mercy are Divine manifestations of true Love - who ever loves has mercy upon all - who ever loves is graceful to all - who ever loves, loves all all the time, who ever loves - always may find all doors to heaven open

Grace and Mercy | digg story

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

GOD Yoga - Love Prayer for healing experience

A prayer of Love from your heart and soul to God - Dear God - love me please ...Love prayer for all loving hearts "Dear God - please love me free"

prayer of Love to God | digg story

Christmas message to refresh true love

Global peace starts at simple points - one being true love between husband and wife. True love between lovers, between husband and wife results in happy and healthy families. A happy family is the basis of society. A happy husband or wife is a better boss, better politician, better colleague.

true love between husband and wife | digg story

Allways say YES

Yes is magic and opens hearts - no blocks heart. Yes improves love life - no destroys love. Yes opens for direct communication - no ends communication

Say Yes to Love | digg story

Learn to do what needs to be done today

Many times in life, with friends, with lovers, with customers, etc we say "later" but sometimes later is too late. Learn to do what needs to be done today. Just like many years or decades ago we all knew that we have to pay all our bills, we have to stay within the limits of our earning, yet we always delayed the working more, etc for later ....

later may be too late | digg story

Happiness in business and life

Happiness in business and life is caused by producing, forwarding, improving, modifying, inventing or creating services and / or products with love for the sole purpose of pleasing others, making other people's life more loving, more enjoyable, more fun and safer - making other people happy !

happiness by making other people happy | digg story

Rules to achieve success

Precise rules and laws lead to success, lack of following such rules leads to failure. Hence success is no secret but merely a knowledge of rules to achieve success. Success never can be achieved at the expense of others but easily for the benefit of others.

be successful | digg story

Love tests - love lessons and love feedback

Without love tests no feedback. Without feedback no help for improvement. Below are a large number of love tests and self-evaluations to find our where you might have problems or to see if a potential partner might be a match or mismatch. A collection of small day to day love lessons resulting from your feedback obtained from love tests passed.

Love tests | digg story

Strength - Meaning and purpose

Strength is the ability to achieve any goal in your life in a loving, honest, truthful, efficient and direct way. Strength has many aspects and consists of knowledge, power of love, experience in life and other factors within a human being.

Strength to achieve your goal | digg story

Loyalty - the meaning of loyalty - the importance of loyalty

Loyalty is one of our highest achievement in our earthly and eternal spiritual personality. Truly loyal means rather to die in dignity than to betray. Loyalty refers to politicians being loyal to their countrymen, employees being loyal to employers and v. v., husband wife being loyal and thus true, as well as mankind being loyal to God above all.

Loyalty in life | digg story

Spiritual lessons for life

In troubeld times more than ever - it's time to become spiritual, time to learn about God and Love, time to learn about our own innermost soul, spiritual being and true Home. Learn to love in easy steps for all situations of life with this large collection of spiritual lessons of love for real life situations on our planet.

Love in all situations of life | digg story

Love - in all aspects of life, politics and business

If love - true love - is the single most important thing in your life, in your job, business, family, etc. The this Blog article collection may be just for you. Learn to integrate love into all aspects of life - even into politics and business. There is no life on earth without God - hence there can be no life on earth without true love.

Learn to integrate love into all aspects of life | digg story

Is there need for demand ? What if there is no demand ?

What if there is no demand for xyz-product ? No one demanding a product means no one really cares or needs that xyz-product.If our economy and overall prosperity depends on artificially created demand, on products that only sell if subsidized and marketed / promoted with Millions, if people only work for top salaries, then our society is ill.

artificially created demand | digg story

Monday, October 27, 2008

Maintain strong and lasting relationship

We all take our relationship with a partner for granted - yet any farmer knows that having a farm, growing fruits or flowers requires life long efforts and loving intense care. The same applies for human relationships. If your love needs to last and prosper, then you need to invest daily loving care.

for a strong relationship | digg story

What is the purpose of your life on earth?

What caused you to come here to earth, what is the purpose of your life on earth? Our all true home is in God. However we all are here on earth - why? Figure out why and accept your challenges life has to offer.

learn the purpose of earthy life | digg story

How karma affects you

Learn to know the law of karma, apply the law of karma and benefit from this knowledge to get free of any karma and avoid trauma or injury. When you understand how karma affects you, then you can create a happy future in love

law of karma | digg story

Learn to have faith in God

Faith in God: Developing faith needs to be lived and practiced, to develop faith needs to be learned here on earth by developing love. Learn to have faith in God.

faith in God | digg story

Happiness in simple life

How simple can life be to still be enjoyable - how much technology do we need to feel truly cozy and comfortable. Happiness needs time to enjoy love and love from others to be enjoyed. Happiness only can be enjoyed when we feel truly comfortable and safe. A photo documentary from a travel to paradise.

photo documentary | digg story

Paradise Philippine islands

Island life is like living in a paradise. Each island is different from its neighbor islands. Different in climate, vegetation, people, mentality and sometimes even different in culture and language. Each of the beautiful Philippine islands is like a continent on its own. Own rules of behavior or life, ... above all with its own unique beauty.

read more | digg story

Christmas gifts to create joy and happiness

Christmas gifts are intended to create joy of life and instant lasting happiness, hence Christmas gifts are gifts of love from the bottom of your heart. Learn how to make a happy Christmas without financial burden.

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Christmas messages of love

Love starts with your partner, children and family and expands to all world. Christmas time and preparing for Christmas love. Study the many Christmas messages of love and find inspiration for an entire year of Christmas love. To love all year long is easy if we manage to establish the very same Christmas spirit we enjoy during December each year.

read more | digg story

True basics of a happy family life

Improve your family life by learning to act like a member of God's family here and now on earth.

read more | digg story

God's Love - divine and magic

A world or creation without love would be like our entire nature without butterflies, without flowers, without roses, without loving partner, without loving friends, without beloved children of our own. It is the beauty of our entire nature that is a reflection of God's love for us all as an example of how we should learn to be to .....

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